Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Beyond All Tools

No1wakesup ("W") kindly responded to what was said in the last blog and I'm deeply humbled and appreciative. Thanks W.

Re "The 'watcher' or 'witnessing' of 'thoughts, feelings and whatever arises' without judgment, assessment, analysis. Without a value assigned such as this is good or that is bad and so on. It's a useful practice for cultivating detachment and its essential in many meditation traditions such as in Buddhism - on the 'path."

W: Throughout the years many teachers have offered such tools and practices for cultivating the absolute. Although these tools seem helpful they have never and will never actually be the source of "salvation" or "liberation." This goes for any technique whereby cultivation from the perspective state of unconsciousness is assumed to be possible.

If these tools actually worked then by this time (surface) everyone on this planet would be liberated, the ladder of which would have evolved simply by absorption and osmosis.

When we temporarily use the watcher or witness discipline for instance, the observing quality that is there witnessing or observing without judgment is not, for the most part, seeing or witnessing ITSELF long enough for something deeper to unfold. That is awareness does not endure long enough to expand and eventually break thru the last concrete ceiling of unconsciousness...it yet too busy in being the witness (which seems to be something someone is still doing) to truly see its own transcended position. That is, the witness is not WITNESSED. It seems that the witness gets stuck yet again in doing something we call being "aware."

Of course, there are instances where one who has studied and been on the apparent path had actually reached liberation. But if this liberation was authentic, then all that would be known would be that there was never anything to call reality before this liberation. There was absolutely nothing "you" or anyone else did to cause this liberation. Breaking down or "dismantling" the mind has nothing to do with this liberation.

That apparent progress in maintained within in the walls of duality. It is not something "you do." That apparent process or dismantling happens without effort, of it's own accord when this shift truly occurs. I know some will disagree,,and that's fine,,, but where is that awareness that beliefs it can dismantle? Is it truly selfless, without position or identity of any kind? If you answer yes, then why is there something (or someone) still there believing it has to dismantle anything? It's as if we demand our biography in the search to that which has no story.

"Lessening your ego" is only a part of that which still believes it has to strip something away from itself when there is no self for anything to be stripped away from. When this is done, there is someone still apparently there saying "Yes... most of my ego is gone." Who is there to say that?

"Partial" liberation or enlightenment is a myth. This idea belongs to and seems to be a luxury for the mind still in play... like an unconscious buffer which helps prolong a final confrontation of the unmasking of everything one sees as there individuality and existence. When IT is known, without "anyone" knowing it, it will be seen that all "effort" actually repelled that which was otherwise spontaneous and acausal. Back when most of these principles and techniques where used life was more simplistic. Not that there where less wars, plagues and famine. It is simply that in society today there is an avalanche of sensory candy.

We are bombarded daily via radio, TV and computers. There is simply too much busyness happening today. Maybe these tools where better adapted and absorbed by a mind which didn't have the more stronger traits of possession, greed and identity. Again, there are those who will claim that such teachings and practices have offered much peace. But in most cases even this "peace" is fleeting due to it's dualistic counterpart of non-peace or suffering. The actual feeling of peace that resonates is authentic, it is the filtering of it which brings forth further attachment and identification. In this way, we believe we have to maintain it or return to it over and over again.

Re "There must be liberation even from the antedote."

W: In the end, to know this conscious source directly, it seems from the minds perspective, you must not only transcend the mind but also go beyond the tool, technique or method itself. As of yet, very few who are "seeking" can do this effectively. This of course, is because your mind meets you with a whole onslaught of interpretational and processed conclusions of what this state of consciousness must be like. It's busy explaining and interpreting away that which is without explanation and interpretation. By attaching itself to the tool itself and not relinquishing it's fundamental use, the mind finds a false hope in the possible salvation from itself. It seems we must first depart from the thinking process (mind) in order to fully know the totality of consciousness and yet this is the paradox of all paradox.

You must move into that which is completely irrelevant to identity, form and experience as you know it to be. You are expected to go into that where EVERYTHING that gives you a sense of security, certainty and sense of self is.....NO MORE.

It is that which has been built up over the years.. security, certainty, sense of self, which is itself the illusion. This is why these "tools" and "techniques" where never meant to be taken literally. They where simply to be heard, transparently acted upon and then left behind. The only apparent problem is and has always been the common obstacle that from those who have heard only few could really listen and from those who could listen only very few have acted and from those few who have acted, most have not left behind.

It seems we are stuck and totally dependent upon these methods and tools and hence, from the minds perspective, we fail to move beyond them. We expect to move beyond these tools without letting them go. You cannot take them with you. They are a part of and direct link to what is false in you. When they become planned and habit forming, the main purpose of there use has been missed. We narrow and isolate the "experience" of consciousness by limiting it to a few, anticipated daily tools and methods in time. Blessings

Thanks W.